Tigman in search of corona vaccine.

This is the third comic strip of Tigman.
Every body was waiting for the vaccine and it is here. Called Tigxin. 

Tigman did lots of research in his lab with the help of Scientist Iyer, and made Corona Vaccine.
ITs tested on Sundarban animals and results good, Tigman delivered it to all animals in Sundarban and made it first jungle in the world as Corona Free. 

Other animals welcome to Sundarban and take Tigxin..

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Its a weird and different world, times we are living in, I feel unsafe, future is uncertain, but we can contribute to survive. 

Keep it simple to stay away or keep safe from Corona Virus

  • Wash them whenever you touch dirty surface, things in public place(Where you dont know if its clean or dirty), door hands, door knobs, toilet flush, door bells, light or fan buttons, cell phones of others
  • Wash hands with soap if in city
  • Wash hands with raakh if in village
  • Wash them slowly for 20seconds min
  • If traveling or outside, where you cant wash hands, then carry hand travel sanitizer with you, and sanitize your hands immediately
  • Dont touch your eyes, nose, ears, when hands dirty
  • People says, dont use mask, i suggest use masks always when outside or in public place and its crowded, its better safe then sorry later.
Few such hygiene practices can keep you stay safe and away from not only Corona but any types of infections or viruses.

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